who? what? huh?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hello, 2010. I'm Sarah. I take pictures.

Hello, out there! {out there!...out there!...out there!...}. That's the echo I'm hearing as I cast my lot into the vast Sea of Photography Blogs. But as this is my very first post and I don't know anyone yet, the silence and the echoes are expected. 

This is a momentous occasion. See, I sort of have a love-hate relationship with bloggery; I get a kick out of reading other people's blogs, yet I've always felt a little too self conscious to create and keep up my own. But this is a new year - a new decade, nonetheless - and so it's time I took sometiny courageous steps, put myself out there and made some new friends. 

So, hello! I'm Sarah and I take pictures. Mostly of people - because photographing people makes my toes tingle. I just recently started small portrait photography business and I'll definitely be posting photos from those sessions as well as photos from my personal projects. However, I don't necessarily intend for this blog to exist for the strict purpose of generating more business...although, more business is ALWAYS welcome! I'd like to be free to write what I feel, to rant or rave, to prose, to praise, or to ponder - to be me. Not a business, buttoned-up version of me {although there is a time and place for that, to be sure}, but me me. It's a little terrifying...what if I suck and you don't dig me? What if I don't suck and you still don't dig me? What if you dig me as a person, but you think my work totally sucks? Yeah. I think about these things. It's the reason I hesitate to blog at all. It's much easier to be quiet and hide behind a regular website. 

But it can be awfully boring, hiding. So I'm outing myself...and away we go!

I'll end this first post with one of my favorite photos thus far. It was taken in a bar here in Boston {with the subjects' and bar manager's permission, of course}.  :)



  1. Congrats on your blog!!!! yay =)

  2. It's always so great to make new creative connections- glad we found each other on here! And I totally share your love/hate feelings about blogging... and I'm a writer! But it's definitely an interesting new medium. So best of luck! I will certainly be following along as you continue to post!

  3. congrats on the blog - I did the same thing this year as well - found your site from Li Ward's site - enjoyed your "mysterious ones" gallery on your site - well done - looking forward to more - Cheers! Andra

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks, Andra! The "mysterious ones" were some of my first serious efforts in photography.

    Link your blog sometime! I'd love to follow along. In the meantime, I'll be perusing your Flickr pages. :)
